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  • txlianna


Intermedia - the class where we get to make any type of exhibition we like and we have got 6 weeks to make it. At the start I had no idea how I could ever pull off any sort of exhibition ever with any amount of time. But then, when we gathered into a group of friends and strangers, my previous thoughts left me. I was suddenly sitting in a circle of diverse creatives and the possibilities seemed endless. We came up with a mix of mediums that we wanted to use. All audio, visual and tactile. My group and I's concept/narrative was slightly altered throughout, however the artistic elements always stayed the same.

I was nominated for the roll of Art Director, and was given the tasks of creating the projection visuals and the city layout. Myself and a few others put together the city model. I would say that I enjoyed creating the model layout the most, as I got to work out both sides of my brain simultaneously. Working out how to make certain that they all fit on the board and ensuring good proportion and artistic intent on why buildings were placed where. I also wanted to make sure for good placement of the lights where they will add a nice glow to the building, and also make certain that they would not be hidden by the buildings

Hence, why I think my most successful contribution was the city blueprint. I thought that the height and shape variants really worked, and the glow of the lights had a beautiful impact on the room as a whole.

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